
Content based
Smart-Review & Version


Content-Based Smart Review
included Free Feature

Only version and review content that changes between revisions!

Content-Based Smart Review Feature

included Free feature - This feature comes as standard with a WeAproove+ Free Account

Don't alter the way you work due to your inadequate online proofing provider.  

Most online proofing companies allow the upload of multi-page files. The problem is that all the pages get treated as a collective individual proof. This results is your reviewers making decisions on the entire proof instead of the individual pages within it. One proof, one decision!

Why is it a problem to treat the multiple pages as one proof?

 Let's say you're reviewing a ten-page proof, and you need to make comments on just one page, while the other nine get approved. You now need to reject the entire proof (all ten pages) because you can only have one decision per proof (not per page).

Now consider the amendments get made using our example above, and a new proof version gets created. Even though only one page had revisions, every single page becomes version 2 even though nothing changed on nine of the pages.

Now your reviewer has to recheck all 10-pages - this doesn't have to happen if you use WeAproove!

How do non WeAproove users get around this?

  1. You get forced to split up your multi-page document into individual pages or spreads and upload them into the proofing system.

  2. Your reviewers now get multiple proofs to view, each with its own notifications which could be confusing and inconvenient. 

  3. You now have to collate all the individual proof comments back into your multi-page document by opening all the proofs one at a time. 

You invested in online proofing to speed up your process; it should not cause lost revenue with more studio time along with confusion and endless notifications for your reviewers.

So how does WeAproove+ work?

We think it is wrong to force users into adopting a workflow to cover up the inadequacy of an online proofing tool which is why WeAproove+ was built to be content-based rather than proof-based.


Multi-page (or single page) documents of any size can be uploaded into WeAproove (restricted to 100 pages or 100mb in the free edition). Reviewers can go through the pages and approve, reject, or markup each page. Each page gets treated as an individual component within the multi-page proof.

As individual pages are approved, rejected, or marked up inside the multi-page document, any notifications and automation will be actioned, based on your workflow settings. 

This powerful feature allows projects to move continuously. Multi-page proofs do not have to get set into a single status that may not apply to all the pages.

Revisions and versions

When the revised (multi-page) proof is uploaded, WeAproove+ carries out a "smart scan" to physically check if any differences are detected (at a page level) between the previous version and the current version. 

Our online proofing software will only version pages that have changed between versions. You could end up in a scenario where one multi-page proof has different versions numbers across the individual pages even though they are in the same document.

This means the reviewers will only need to check the pages that physically changed between versions and not re-read the entire document. Aproove will even label the changed pages with a "changed" flag which can be filtered on within the flatplan view.

This amazing feature is beneficial for three reasons:

  1. Reviewers will only need to check the pages that are flagged with differences between versions.

  2. If any changes occur on pages that were not marked for revision, they will be flagged, allowing the reviewer to check for mistakes or unauthorized changes.

  3. Multi-page documents of any size can be uploaded, and each page within the document gets treated as a unique proof (no need to break up files or create lots of proofs within a project)

The smart review feature is genuinely unique to all Aproove products and saves you vast amounts of time and money, whilst ensuring full compliance.