Overlay Comparison Optional feature
Overlay any proof or version on top of one another using a transparency sliderGhosted Comparison Optional feature
Ghost unchanged content between versions into the background and display any changed content in the foregroundPixel Comparison Optional feature
Pixel "blink" comparison is great for spotting small changes that are hard to see with the naked eye such as color correctionsMaster File Comparison Free Feature
Compare any proof against any other proof in the project, such as a master documentVersion Management Optional feature
Automatic versioning of files with optional "smart scan" to only version files with changesBy clicking on the comparison tool, you automatically get taken to the side-by-side proof comparison mode.
By default, the latest proof version gets displayed on the left and the previous version on the right. Users can change the arrangement depending on their preference and compare any proof version against any other proof version.
Users can also compare a proof against any other proof, inside the same project (even if the file formats are different). This is especially useful if users wish to compare against a master file, or a photographer wants to compare similar images.
While in the side by side version comparison mode, the notes & comments created on the different proof versions can be displayed, allowing the users to check that amendments got completed between the versions. The reviewer can also add notes and comments on the latest proof version while in comparison mode.
While you are in the side-by-side comparison mode, the reviewers can use the other version comparison tools.
The other comparison tools are the Overlay Comparison, Ghosted Comparison, and Pixel Comparison tools, which are all explained by clicking on the left.
This powerful, yet simple overlay comparison feature allows users to overlay two proofs by dragging the transparency slider bar.
As a user slides the bar, the transparency decreases until the version getting compared, overlays the current proof being viewed, and as the user slides the bar back, the transparency increases, visually showing the differences between the two proofs.
On "busy" proofs that contain much content, it can be challenging to see the differences between the proof revisions.
Many people love the pixel comparison view, but others find it a bit too technical, which is why we developed the unique, Ghosted Comparison View.
In the Ghosted comparison view content that has not changed between versions gets "ghosted" into the background and only content that has changed gets displayed in the foreground.
This highly visual feature is handy for reviewers that need to check large volumes of content or have very "busy" pages such as catalogs or mailers.
This feature can be added to your WeAproove+ Free Account
The Pixel comparison tool will "blink" green on areas that have been added, and red on areas that have been removed. Pixel comparison will detect if even a single pixel is different between the proof versions.
Sometimes changes between proof versions might be very subtle. Perhaps a minor color correction or a slight shift of an image or picture box.
This comparison feature makes it very easy to see changes between versions that are extremely hard to detect with the naked eye, such as minor color corrections.
Comparing versions is a standard requirement when checking proofs, but sometimes the need may not be to check a version against another version of the same proof.
Frequently, a proof may need to get checked against a master or a template, and often that master or template may be in a different file format to the proof.
WeAproove+ allows users to compare any proof against any media stored inside the proof project; this means comparisons could get made against any other proof.
A use case for this scenario is when a master document is held on record, but regional versions of that template need to be created, or perhaps a master document has been supplied that indicates where the products need to be placed on a page prior to the page being created.
Users could then compare the first version that is created against the master template to ensure that the products were placed correctly in the first proof. (Providing the proofs reside in the same project.)
When you upload a new proof version, WeAproove+ will automatically lock the older proof version and notify users about the latest version with our Version Management feature.
Any user who has not completed proofing or made a decision when a new proof version is uploaded will automatically have those tasks canceled. New task notifications will get sent out about the latest version. Users will never be able to markup or annotate on an older proof version, but they can see the older proofs if the version compare tools are enabled.
If a user bulk uploads new proofs, then they must match the name of the previous proof version, so the system knows it needs to create a version rather than a further proof. However, if you select a specific proof and upload a new revision, the name does not need to match as you are explicitly telling the system you wish to version that proof.
Smart review versioning technology
A typical use case will be to submit a revision, which will automatically create a new version number for that proof before notifying the reviewers that they need to recheck the proof.
This is fine but here are two examples of when this might not be useful;
Do you want your reviewers to waste time reviewing proofs that have not changed between versions?
Optionally WeAproove+ can carry out a "smart scan" to physically check if any differences get detected between the previous version and the current version.
WeAproove+ will then only version proofs that have changed between versions. You could even end up in the scenario where one multi-page proof has different version numbers across the individual pages even though they are in the same document.
This means the reviewers will only need to check the pages that physically changed between versions and not re-read the entire document or waste time reading content that did not change between version stages.
The Result?
This amazing feature is beneficial for three reasons;