
Free Guest Users 

Guest Users included Free Feature

Invite guest users without impacting your user license

Guest Users

included Free Feature - This feature comes as standard with WeAproove+ Free Account

Registered users inside WeAproove+ can benefit from inviting "Guest Users." Guest users can use the application "free of charge," and they will not take one of your registered user licenses. 


Guest Users can only enter the application via email invitation or the @mention function. (@mention is an option).

Guest users have the following limitations;

  • Guests can only access the proofs they are invited to or @mentioned on
  • Guests do not have access to the proof dashboard
  • Guests cannot initiate a new proof project
  • Guests cannot manage the proof

Inviting guest users is extremely powerful; it allows users to invite 3rd party stakeholders into projects even if they do not have a registered account. This flexibility is beneficial when you need collaboration from an infrequent user but do not want to permanently add the user to your team. 

You can invite two guest users in the free edition, and an unlimited amount when you unlock the base features.